Ljetna glazbena akademija Vodice

projekt je to koji svoje korijene vuče još iz 2015. godine, kada je ostvarena suradnja između Udruge hrvatskih trombonista i tubista – Busina i English Brass Academy pod vodstvom poznatog britanskog trubača Paula Archibalda. Prvotno zamišljena kao isključivo ljetni majstorski seminar za puhačke instrumente, polako se razvila u Ljetnu glazbenu akademiju. Na poziv Vodičke glazbe i njihovog vodstva, posebno g. Ante Cukrova, Akademija prelazi 2020. u Vodice, gdje planiramo ostati još dugo i dalje konstantno rasti.
Akademiju od samog starta podržava Ministarstvo kulture i medija RH, Grad Vodice, Turistička zajednica Vodice, Vodička glazba i Hotel Punta Vodice.

Organizator: Udruga hrvatskih trombonista i tubista – Busina, Svilajska 20, 10000 Zagreb.
MB 2228378 OIB: 88549046490
IBAN: HR6523600001102568130
Poslovna banka: Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Trg Bana Jelačića 10, Zagreb
e-mail: busina@net.hr

Summer Music Academy Vodice

is a project that draws its roots back to 2015, when the cooperation between the Association of Croatian trombone and tuba players – Busina and English Brass Academy, led by famous British trumpeter Paul Archibald was established. Originally conceived as an exclusively summer master class for brass instruments, it slowly developed into the Summer Academy of Music. At the invitation of the Vodice community wind band and their leadership, especially Mr. Ante Cukrov, the Academy moved to Vodice in 2020, where we plan to stay for a long time and continue to grow constantly.
From the very beginning, the Academy is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Vodice, the Tourist Board of Vodice, Vodice Music and Hotel Punta Vodice.

Organizer: Association of Croatian Trombonists and Tubists – Busina, Svilajska 20, 10000 Zagreb.